Go Your Own Pace

Your art is a unique path. Don’t think it will be the same as others.

Why it matters: You won’t stick with it if you’re trying to be someone else. Be you.

The backstory: 

Recently, at a black belt test I sat on the judging panel for, was student testing for chodan who started training at the same time as me. It made me reflect on how individual our martial arts paths are. 

  • Some people start their Haidong Gumdo journey with experience in other martial arts. Some have other movement backgrounds that also make it easier. For them, learning the physical skills comes quicker.

  • Some have injuries or other physical limitations. Some have mental health or cognitive processing challenges to overcome. For them, skills are learned within their unique constraints.

  • And some have life transitions that interrupt their training. New jobs, changing schools, moving, and family situations can all disrupt one’s martial arts practice.

Each person has a different combination of life circumstances. Each person will progress in skill and rank at their own pace.

This is true in daily life as well. You have a unique combination of life circumstances, and will therefore move through life in your own way.

Set your own definition of success. Don’t blindly follow other people’s expectations. Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses.

Your only measure is yourself.


Overcoming Dissatisfaction