Seminars: Training for Life

Preparing for our fall seminar has reminded me of a way martial arts prepares you for life:

For seminars, tournaments, tests, we prepare as best we can. We might feel nervous or excited, but regardless the day comes. We show up and do our best. Things probably don’t go as planned, but the planning helped us be prepared to react to what does happen. 

And then it's over! We take our prizes, nurse our injuries to body or pride, and reflect on what we learned. Then we continue on with our training.

In life in general challenges come up. We prepare as best we can. We plan and then have to adjust the plans in the moment. But no matter what it is, at some point it will be over.

Does that make you want to savor the moment more? Or give you strength to get through something unpleasant? Use it as you will. It’s a tool you have from your martial arts training.



Cutting Through Blocks